
Academic Advising

Academic advisors are available throughout every student’s University career to help in many ways, including course registration, changing majors, reviewing academic progress, and developing double majors, minors and concentrations. Special academic counseling is provided to help students realize their personal aspirations for professional schools or international fellowships.
 Faculty and professional academic counselors are available through advising offices located in each of the three undergraduate colleges, and counselors from the Admissions Office are available during the application process to help with issues related to academic programs. During Summer Orientation, all students meet with an academic advisor to review and discuss their freshman schedule. 

Academic Advising Centers

Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

209 St. Thomas Hall
Telephone: (570) 941-6323
Email: advising-cas@scranton.edu

McGurrin Hall, room 101
Telephone: (570) 941-6390
Email: cps-advising@scranton.edu

Kania School of Management Advising Center
Brennan Hall, suite 206
(570) 941-6100
Email: advise_ksom@scranton.edu


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